One might expect that being in an abandoned village will be lonely. But a part from Carlos and all the people who we knew were going to visit us, everyday there were people visiting the village. let's start with the people we knew were going to visit us in order of appearance. Mirthe, Rick and Vos who came visiting with their camper to find out if they want to live in Bárcena and to help us some days. They are now in the process of preparing to move to Bárcena so it seems that the answer is yes! Maaike's Brother Teun, his wife Marieke and daughter Sarah , who were there for 2 weeks and took a lot of trips with the kids and cooked for us almost every day! But most important: they really liked being there, so hopefully they will come often when we live there. As an ultra runner Teun explored the area by running and cycling. For example he explored routes to Lences and found three different ones. Tibor's daughter Fiona , who helped a lot with all the stuff we
Up until now, we've always fetched water from the nearby village of Lences. There are two points there where we can tap water, and it tastes great. But it's not practical to keep going to the village, especially since it's not enough to water 120 trees. So, high on our backlog (to-do list) was setting up a water supply. We have a permit to draw 10 cubic meters of water from the river, which is sufficient for now. Eventually, we want to recycle all the water we use. Step one is getting water into the village. Since the river is about 10 meters lower than the village, we laid 600 meters of pipe in the river last holiday. The idea was to use the principle of communicating vessels to get water up to the village without a pump. I've done this many times before, so I thought it would be a simple task, but no matter what we did, the water didn't come out during the last holiday. That was incredibly frustrating, so the first thing we did when we arrived was to continue wor