Thrilled with our first empty village visit we went on to number two. It was about two hours drive and as we had some spare time we stopped at a small nearby village, Poza de la Sal. A small but nice middle aged village. With a tiny square with one bar and a tourist office. I went there and asked Maaike to join so we could ask about the place in Spanish. Luckily the nice guy spoke very well English. So we told him we wanted to build a food forest. He looked really happy and told us he was setti a festival Artim. Which was about regenerative farming and community building around new ways of growing food and taking care of the land. Besides that he gave us about five phone numbers of Dutch people living in the area which were also living in empty villages and or working with land. After that amazing coincidence we drove on to village nr 2. An older man came by car and started to talk to me, I redirected him to Maaike as I could not speak Spanish, and she could. He said ...