Of course there was some media attention this summer.
Silvia of the Diario the Burgos came as one of the first, when she heard that Rick, Mirthe and Vos were in Bárcena she wanted to interview them. diariodeburgos
Halfway during the 4 weeks unexpectedly the journal of the Castil & Leon came to have an interview and we had a two minute item on the news that day!
At the end of the four weeks it was busy:
Karlijn form BNR news radio came. She is making podcast about empty rural Spain. bnr
The guys from the YouTube chanel Monxileros came to make a podcast. They came together with Elvira. They made a very nice movie of the village and the Ardbol project. Monxileros
And on the last day the newspaper El Mundo came.
It is nice we have the attention as one of our goals is to spread the optimism and the idea of a better world. It sometimes is also funny when there are multiple cars in the village and the journalist start interviewing each other.
Here you can read how diariodeburgos wrote about the Monxileros making an the above item.
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