The backdrop for our project unfolds amidst the serene landscapes of Spain, within the abandoned village of Bárcena de Bureba. This village, resides under the jurisdiction of the Abajas municipality. If your online quest leads you astray, I recommend directing your search towards Abajas rather than Bárcena, as the latter may mislead you to an inaccurate location.
Nestled within the greater expanse known as Burebas, with its capital Briviesca, lies a mere 33 kilometers from our village. This place is also an integral part of the province of Burgos, its own capital located 40 kilometers away. The village finds its home within the expansive embrace of Castilla y León, the largest autonomous region in Spain.
The neighboring locales further enrich the tapestry of our surroundings. Briviesca, with approximately 6,300 residents, and Burgos, a bastion of Castile y León boasting around 174,000 inhabitants, weave their stories into the fabric of our landscape. Burgos, in particular, is renowned for its castle and cathedral, icons that stand as testament to the region's historical grandeur.
Our proximity to other cities enriches the experience further. Miranda de Ebro, a hidden Spanish gem off the tourist trail, embraces visitors with its cozy charm. Meanwhile, Vitoria/Gasteiz, a city nestled within the embrace of the Basque Country, welcomes tourists with open arms and reveals a world of rich culture and history.
Journeying northward unveils the captivating cities of Bilbao and San Sebastian, where the sea's embrace harmonizes with the vivacity of Spanish culture. To the south, the capital city of Spain, Madrid awaits, positioned 300 kilometers away. In the same direction lies Salamanca, a city of history and academia.
This landscape, teeming with history, culture, and beauty, shapes the realm in which our project flourishes—a mosaic of old-world charm and contemporary allure.
Nestled within the greater expanse known as Burebas, with its capital Briviesca, lies a mere 33 kilometers from our village. This place is also an integral part of the province of Burgos, its own capital located 40 kilometers away. The village finds its home within the expansive embrace of Castilla y León, the largest autonomous region in Spain.
The neighboring locales further enrich the tapestry of our surroundings. Briviesca, with approximately 6,300 residents, and Burgos, a bastion of Castile y León boasting around 174,000 inhabitants, weave their stories into the fabric of our landscape. Burgos, in particular, is renowned for its castle and cathedral, icons that stand as testament to the region's historical grandeur.
Our proximity to other cities enriches the experience further. Miranda de Ebro, a hidden Spanish gem off the tourist trail, embraces visitors with its cozy charm. Meanwhile, Vitoria/Gasteiz, a city nestled within the embrace of the Basque Country, welcomes tourists with open arms and reveals a world of rich culture and history.
Journeying northward unveils the captivating cities of Bilbao and San Sebastian, where the sea's embrace harmonizes with the vivacity of Spanish culture. To the south, the capital city of Spain, Madrid awaits, positioned 300 kilometers away. In the same direction lies Salamanca, a city of history and academia.
This landscape, teeming with history, culture, and beauty, shapes the realm in which our project flourishes—a mosaic of old-world charm and contemporary allure.
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